10 ulasan
- velasrizal berkata...
apa lagi sabun bwk mandi la..
Poligami Bukan Cara Kawal Nafsu ? -
28 Julai 2010 pada 4:14 PTG
- jersey web design berkata...
the nokia 3600 is almost identical to nokia 6600 slide then why 3600 is cheaper then 6600....check out their comaparison.....here....
28 Julai 2010 pada 5:02 PTG
- jersey web design berkata...
just bought tha nokia 6600 slide
its a great phone, love the tapping option!question: does anyone know how to change the keys colors from blue to pink ??? -
28 Julai 2010 pada 5:11 PTG
- syafiqa berkata...
huhuh abg ferozzz..!
cermat nye..!pandai jaga hp...tahan lama lak..7 thn.peh..tabik :)
ouh..da ada hp baru...jgn lupa calling2 :P -
28 Julai 2010 pada 6:22 PTG
- Unknown berkata...
handset sabun??
wow..lama giler 7 tahun..kalau aku pakai setahun je dah boring.. -
28 Julai 2010 pada 7:04 PTG
- abgferOz berkata...
hahahaha aku jenis setia pada yang satu... hik hik.. da osak baru cari laenn..
28 Julai 2010 pada 10:18 PTG
- AngahSayang2314 berkata...
wah nie tipon mula2 cangih dulu2 kan???
angah datang sini.. angah follow awakkkk jom tukar2 link -
29 Julai 2010 pada 1:45 PTG
- jersey web design berkata...
My mmc card for nokia 6600 is locked, I could not unlock my mmc card, because I forgot its password and I tried to look it up on the web (on how to unlock mmc). I found answers onto how to unlock it, by means of installing Fexplorer onto the phone memory (and so and so forth) and I have downloaded it, but the trouble is that I don't know how to put Fexplorer on to my phone's memory, please tell me how. Thank You!
30 Julai 2010 pada 12:00 PTG
Tanpa Nama berkata...
Bravo, what words..., a remarkable idea
16 Oktober 2010 pada 11:33 PG
- Saiful Bakhtiar berkata...
fon lama byk kelebihannya.sy pun syg nak jualfon yg dh bertahun2 pakai.simpan wat koleksi je..
29 Julai 2011 pada 10:53 PTG
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