tOp cOmmeNt widget

Would you like to display a list of the top commenters in your blog?
This widget will enable you to do exactly that! If you install this widget, a list of the top ten
people who have commented most in your blog will be displayed with along with
the count of comments they have made.

This is a great way of thanking readers who comment regularly and
is very easy to add to your blog layout using the
one click widget installer

6 ulasan

@fitridzulkifli berkata...

thnx! bole la nak buwat! haha

Tanpa Nama berkata...

nak buat juga..

IntanBerlian berkata...

huhu thx for sharing bro.=D nice one.

Unknown berkata...

oke2 no problemo :)
ada ilmu kta share2 :)
xbaek kdkut :P

dinda.teJa berkata...

arigato arigato kozaimas!

hafizah abu bakar berkata...

nak try jugak lah..

pastu jangan lupa singgah blog saya pulak tau..

Dikuasakan oleh Blogger.